BIOfutures 30/05/23

Biomaterials, biodesign, and biofabrication present possibilities both potent and profound for the future of fashion and textiles. In this upcoming BIOfutures IG session Hannah Hansell and I will explore some of the possible opportunities and risks ahead, including issues of ethics at the level of both society and environment.

Hannah Hansell is an artist and researcher interested in the socio-cultural and moral impacts of biotechnology in the fashion and textile industry and future of textile production in the context of biodesign. Her research explores how to engage a range of ‘publics’ and introduce socio-cultural perspectives into an emerging ‘bioeconomy’ currently determined by a small number of industry professionals.

Follow @melissasterry to join this live-streamed session and for updates on the series.


SNS2023 :: Vision 2030


BIOfutures 18/05/23